COVID-19 Update 2020

(MAY 2020) I decided to take both girls out front to ride their bikes and play. Payton is listening better and a little more understanding of boundaries, so being out front (w/out our fence) is getting easier and easier. While we were out front some of the neighborhood kids were out playing. Payton was riding her tricycle up and down the side walk and was soon to following them. She goes down to a driveway where the other kids are and I’m watching so impressed at how she’s just riding her bike, looking at the kids, checking things out, and not taking anything from anyone or touching them. I am so proud. The kids then go the other direction; so Payton follows them. They then come back the other way and Payton follows. In my mind I’m thinking, are running away from her? Then I keep telling myself, no it’s ok they aren’t; so I let her follow as I continue to watch. They again go the other direction when Payton rides her bike toward them, and that’s when I hear one of the kids say “you guys she’s just going to keep following us.” My heart is broken I am crying. My little girl who was socializing correctly, who never socializes, who never wants to really play with others, is finally trying and doing it correctly! Now I know all kids aren’t going to get along. Heck I know kids will be kids, but when you have a child who has issues socializing and doesn’t understand situations, and she’s finally doing things correctly… just to have kids run away from her… it’s devastating. I call my friend down the street and ask if they are busy, and if they’re not, would they want to have a play date? I want the other kids to see Payton and Olivia playing with other kids. I want them to accept her. Of course they come right up. I’m so thankful for them. We sit there and talk and watch our kids play. They had another little girl with them that day, and Payton went up to the little girl and says “Hi, I’m Payton.” OMG! She just introduced herself to someone! Another heart felt moment.

This particular aspect of Payton’s life is going to be difficult. I don’t know how difficult for her; but for me it’s heart wrenching. As I sit here and type I am tearing up. My little girl doesn’t understand social rules and all she wants to do is play with other kids. That’s sometimes difficult because she doesn’t understand completely when she’s taking something away or someone doesn’t want touched. She’s a lover, and I truly believe that when she’s hugging you or putting her hand on you, she’s communicating. Obviously this communication is in her own little way; but I know it in my heart… that’s her own way of saying hi. It’s so hard, because she can’t carry on conversations and her vocab is limited. My hope is that people will get to know Payton and not be blinded by her “disability”. I want people to see her for who she really is… a sweet, fun loving, daredevil, that’s never met anyone she doesn’t like.

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