Family Pictures
(August 2019) Well I am a parent who fails at nice family photos and those milestone photos LOL.. Poor Olivia didn’t even get one-year pictures. Well it’s time for a family photo update. What’s hard about this is knowing that the photographer only has 15-20 minutes to get the job done. There really can’t be any outfit changes; and we definitely aren’t going to have time for any location changes. Well we found a photographer who was understanding. She did AWESOME! I explained when we got out of the car that she really only had 20 minutes and all I really cared about was getting one good family photo possibly one picture of the girls together. So, we’re taking pictures and all is going well. We move to another spot and Abbey is just doing great with the girls. She is laughing not caring that Payton is running around and that Olivia is following her. She’s taking the pictures in the moment, which is perfect; because this is how our family operates meaning on the move. The day wouldn’t have been complete though without Payton running off, which was totally our own fault. I tried to get a picture of just Jimmy and myself; and as if on cue, Payton was off. Yep we stand next to each other, and off she goes. We were at the state fairgrounds; and the fair was long over. Thankfully the place was empty. We try one more picture with some bubbles then done. Yep Jimmy and I calculated it right, 20 minutes. We are getting better at knowing our limits.