Last Summer Trip Wisconsin Dells
It’s time for another family vacation all 24 of us. We are headed to the Wisconsin Dells. Unfortunately, Jimmy has to head back early for RAGBRI. So that means we have to drive separate. The girls are in the car with me. The trip starts out with Jimmy calling me asking me if I have my GPS on and where am I at? I reply with I’m on 80 going by Bondurant. He’s curing he’s almost to Ankeny. There was another car like mine and he started following it. Phew wasn’t me who made the mistake. True fashion he catches up to me not speeding at all. The girls are doing great for me. I’m nervous about driving this far by myself but I did fine. We get there a little early and so we start going on the go carts and mini golfing. Go carts are a first for the girls they love the kids’ ones where they can drive themselves and then even more fun on the ones where they ride with mom and dad. Then mini golf is new for me and the girls. It was interesting and we made it through. Finally, time to check into the room. We head down to the first water park that is connected to our hotel. It’s a hit good way to end the day. The girls loved every park we went to and had fun. One park though we had a scare. We were all in the wave pool and when it was over, we discovered a slide we all would go down. Well as we are gathering everyone Payton has gone missing. Our worst nightmare. My sister tells me to relax she’s around. Yep, nope we are all starting to panic now. Some head outside to where our stuff is. Then I think ok we pointed to the slide I wonder if she went there. Yep sure enough as I’m going up the stairs bless this man with his son bringing her down the stairs. He could see the panic in my face and I thanked him. Payton instantly say’s I’m sorry mom I won’t do it again. We all calm down and go down the slide together after we gather ourselves. I can’t let her go my heart is slowing down I tell her I love her and she must know I’m not OK and says again I’m sorry mom I won’t do it again. Bless her heart. Jimmy is now headed back to Des Moines we do well. Then we head to an arcade. My what an experience and some first. Thank goodness for my dad willing to go with us and do rock climbing with the girls. However, I’m the one who gets stuck doing the tight rope walking thing with them. Yep, Olivia is done after walking across the first ropes. Payton nope our dare devil is loving and adventures. So, I ask a lady if she’ll keep an eye on her while I’m over here helping my other daughter get stuff off and stay with her. The lady was super nice and eventually helped Payton get back to the beginning. All smiles. Then we do lazar tag. That was an experience too. Then time to head home. Ride home went well too.